

How To Hibernate a Windows System without Activation

Mostly for windows users who haven't activated their OS, it becomes a challenge to Hibernate their systems as this is disabled till Windows is activated.

To make your computer hibernate instead of fully shutting down, you can use the following command in a command-line interface (CLI) on a computer running a version of the Microsoft Windows operating system:
shutdown -h -t 0 -f
This command is similar to the previous one, but with the addition of the "-f" option, which forces all running applications to close before hibernating the system. Here's a breakdown of the different parts of the command:

"shutdown" is the command to shut down the computer.

"-h" is an option that tells the computer to hibernate the system instead of shutting down completely.

"-t 0" is an option that specifies the time in seconds until the shutdown occurs. In this case, the "0" means that the shutdown should happen immediately.

"-f" is an option that forces all running applications to close before hibernating the system.

When you execute this command, your computer will save the current state of your system to the hard drive and then power off. The next time you turn on your computer, it will resume from where it left off, with all your open applications and documents exactly as they were before hibernation

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